Megan Wilson | Strength Over Fear

January 25, 2023

In the hills of Cody, Wyoming, roads are being built. Such progress demands a company with a backbone cemented in the area—a company like Wilson Bros. Construction. Megan Wilson, daughter […]

Spinal Cord Injuries | A Brief Overview

January 16, 2023

Spinal cord injuries bring with them numerous questions as the road to recovery widens before someone. The very nature of them—the completeness or incompleteness that hovers over can become very […]

Inclusion in the Community and Workplace | Better Together

January 9, 2023

We all want to belong. We need food, water and shelter. But the desire for human connection and belonging has been proven as just as essential to life as these […]

Neuroscience of Conflict | Think Differently

January 9, 2023

You cringe. Your face flushes—your stomach acid churns. Maybe you avoid it at all costs, believing that it will magically disappear if you ignore it. You can try, but conflict […]

Reimagined Tech | Living Smarter

January 9, 2023

We are living in an on-demand world and the conveniences we enjoy are evolving. A myriad of services are piped into our home. The powers of telecommunication allow us to […]

HydroWorx® | To New Depths

December 7, 2022

Exercise is hard. At the end of it all, we’re sure to be left breathless and fatigued, with residual soreness or pain.  We take our aspirin or ibuprofen seeking relief, […]

Back Behind the Wheel | QLI’s Adaptive Driving Programs

November 14, 2022

Driving offers freedom – the ability to go wherever you want, whenever you want. It offers us access to the world – everything from a trip to the corner coffee […]

Armeo® Spring | Regained Control

November 7, 2022

QLI’s Gait Lab is adorned with equipment that look like robotic contraptions out of a science fiction film. Alongside the far wall and against a row of mirrors lives the […]

Jim Curry | One Step At a Time

November 1, 2022

“You see, Wes and I are in a competition.” Jim Curry is watching a video on QLI physical therapist Connor Davis’ phone. In the video, Connor’s 11-month-old son Wes is […]

Matt Koppen | What Life Looks Like

September 29, 2022

Life sometimes throws a curveball. Or two. Or three. Matt was home alone watching football. While watching, he realized his arm had fallen asleep, numb to the touch. The numbness […]