ZeroG | Weight-Bearing Gains & Repetitions

August 24, 2023

The ZeroG®, developed by Aretech, works foremost in aiding clients with gait and ambulation training. As a weight-bearing device, significant constraints that might otherwise be placed on clients or clinicians […]

Cognitive Issues After a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

August 4, 2023

After a friend or loved one suffers a traumatic brain injury (TBI), there are numerous things to navigate. What will their care needs look like? How will their job status […]

Jay Stinson | Renewed Perspective

July 6, 2023

“Open Photos—Albums—Up. Up.” In the Gait Lab at QLI, Jay Stinson is scrolling through his camera roll. A series of thirty related photos and videos come up, and in the […]

Cassidy Slusher | Living Purposefully

July 5, 2023

“I’ve had a little bit of an unconventional life, one that I worked very hard to make a reality.” Twenty-nine-year-old Cassidy Slusher hails from Denver, Colorado. Conventional paths are not […]

Stroke Recovery | A Conversation with Dr. Dipika Aggarwal

June 20, 2023

In 2020, Dr. Dipika Aggarwal joined the team at QLI for a discussion on her stroke rehabilitation and recovery. Watch the inspiring conversation below. _____ What is a stroke? A stroke, […]

Deucer Smith & Mary Coons | So Much to Give

May 31, 2023

The video, dated May 23, 1993, crackles with that unmistakable 90s VHS effect. The lens of the camcorder pushes into a kitchen. It is morning and relatively quiet save for […]

Eric Zimmerman | Playing On

April 21, 2023

The electric guitar rumbles with a shifting pitch as the E string is tuned. In tandem, across the rehearsal space, the bass guitar follows suit. The bass and guitar amplifiers, […]

Oscar Guillamondegui | The Calling

March 3, 2023

It seems some are born with a calling. From a young age, they march clearly towards the goal they are inspired to pursue: garnering qualifications, showing proficiency, and knocking down […]

Pat Korth | Perseverance and Tenacity

January 31, 2023

Above all else, Pat Korth is a husband and father of five. His evenings and weekends are filled with going to his kids’ practices, games, and social events. He’s just […]

Don Tohm | Ready for the Fight

January 25, 2023

Certain setbacks in life can feel insurmountable. Some might truly be minor inconveniences, like misplacing your car keys. Others define the rest of your life. When facing unexpected challenges, some […]